Core features of this platform are Dashboard (Home), My Pinboard, and Shared Pinboard. The dashboard makes it easy to see all the essential reports & Insights and frequently used features in one place to help users navigate faster. It also shows meaningful visualizations for the user to glance at and understand reports more efficiently. Cards and panes are used to visibly show different data sets efficiently and their affordances. Wherever and whenever they are.

- A pane aggregates information from multiple cards.
- A card is a single unit of information from one source.

Service advisor dashboard
The dashboard makes it easy to see all the essential reports & Insights and frequently used features in one place to help users navigate faster. It also shows meaningful visualizations for the user to glance at and understand reports more efficiently. Trending smart charts provide an overview of other team members' performance across different business units within the retail dealership. This encourages employees to stay on top of the goals or outperforms others.

My pinboard view
My Pinboard is a personalized collection of smart chart folders that users can view and manage efficiently for later analysis. Users can search, sort, and filter the reports based on their date and make. All the reports are saved and organized in the folder. My pinboard primary goal is that users can pin any smart chart from the dashboard to a specific folder or create a new folder, making it easier to access, organize, and share data. Each folder consists of multiple smart charts. Each smart can be moved, shared, and organized based on the user's needs and importance.

Shared pinboards
When the user is behind a goal, it is easy to share with their manager or peers to get help resetting the goal expectations. This manager can take corrective action immediately instead of waiting for the end-of-the-week reports. This also reduces pay penalties for employees. Here users can see the activity on shared data, such as who is interacting, posting comments, and what time they have access to the data.

Sharing the report with your peers
User can add the collaborators they want to collaborate with, frequency, and expiration.

Collaboration on a report with your peers
Collaborators can view the snapshot of users' goals data. It is a transparent way to tell the manager why you are behind the goal. Click on the snapshot to comment on shared data.